Sunday, May 6, 2018

Re: vi commands

On Sunday 6 May 2018 10:15, <> put forth the proposition:
>I need to understand if VI can permit these operations:

See :help movement

>1- to move cursor to next word, does it exist key-bindings to make it?
>2- select specific part of text to copy it and to past it to another area inside the same file.
>3- to insert tabs for indentation in multiple row, e.g. to move " if " instructions group in C code; I usually follow these steps moving cursor at the beginning of first line: esc' + 'I' , insert tab by press 'tab' key, 'esc' again, press 'j' (next row), esc' + 'I' , 'tab' key, … If I had many rows it will occur much time, is there way to speed up?

One way is to select the lines of code that you need indenting with
shift+v and scrolling down, then press >


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