Friday, June 1, 2018

Re: ANN: digraphs outside of Vim

On 30 May 2018 at 17:52, Shlomi Fish <> wrote:
> On Mon, 28 May 2018 20:00:09 +0100
> "A. S. Budden" <> wrote:
>> All,
>> As my job has changed over the years, I find myself spending less time
>> using Vim and (alas) more time using Outlook. However, one of my
>> favourite features of Vim for typing (with Pandoc or whatever) is
>> simplicity of entering symbols using Ctrl-K and a two-letter
>> representation of the symbol.
>> I liked the feature so much that a few years ago I made a little
>> python program (also available compiled as a Windows executable) to
>> make those digraphs available in any application. It is only really
>> for Windows, although the core GUI and digraph code can run anywhere
>> python/PySide runs.
>> Anyway, in case this is of interest to other Vim users, I thought I'd
>> announce it here.
>> The source code and instructions are available at
>> The Windows executable is here:
>> There is a handy table of the digraphs I use most often here:
>> Al
> Thanks, Al! But what is the LICENSE? See

Hi Shlomi,

Ah! Good point - I'd been using it for so long that I'd forgotten
about such things.

I've added a LICENCE.txt to the repository (MIT licence).


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