Monday, June 4, 2018

Re: t_kB (shift tab) is not set when using st terminal

Le 05/06/2018 à 05:54, John Little a écrit :
> On Monday, June 4, 2018 at 5:08:05 PM UTC+12, phkbphkbphkb wrote:
>> ... t_kB is not set on
>> st (
> I think it is. I downloaded the st-0.8.1.tar.gz from there, extracted, ran
> tic
> TERM=st-256color vim -c 'echo &t_kB'
> and it shows ^[[Z. (I ignored the tic warnings about unknown capabilities.)
> Maybe your OS-level terminfo is old, try the above.

You are right. t_kB is set after running the tic command. It is probably
a distribution bug, then.

François-Xavier Carton

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