Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Syntax Completion works only for one language

I am trying to use syntax completion for two separate languages on Linux, say A & B. I have these directories


Syntax highlighting works for both languages without problems. But syntax completion (^X^O) works for only one, even though the ftdetect vim files for both look very similar.

I have no other files or directories in my .vim directory. I also have a .vimrc
file that looks like

:set nocompatible
:filetype on
:filetype plugin on
:cmap Et tabedit
":set viewoptions-=options
":autocmd BufWinLeave *.* mkview
":autocmd BufWinEnter *.* silent loadview
:set tags+=tags,~/.vim/tags
:set foldmethod=indent
:set ts=2 ai ic

Any suggestions are welcome.

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