Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Re: Typing Persian (Farsi) in Vim

On 2018-11-28, Bahman Eslami wrote:

> In a case a user doesn't want to have arabic nor faris in the vim,
> they can build the vim with the 'normal' feature flag but they
> would miss other features like langmap, but if they want to build
> it with langmap feature, they need the 'huge' feature flag which
> also includes the arabic. There is also no flag to disable nor
> enable arabic while building the vim. So the only way to disable
> them is to change the source which is how I do it.

Not true. You can use the environment variable CFLAGS to enable
features for which there is not a configure option. For example,
I don't need all the features in the huge build, but I do want
+conceal and +mouse_sgr, so I execute these before configuring:

$ export CONF_OPT_FEAT='--with-features=normal'

You might be able to use -U to disable a feature, but I don't know
how the configure and make commands prioritize conflicting settings
and I haven't tried that.


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