Friday, December 6, 2019

Re: How to blink text

On Fri, Dec 6, 2019 at 4:24 PM Ni Va <> wrote:
> Hi,
> By highlighting or new feature text properties, is it possible and how to make text blinking please ?
> Thank you
> NiVa

Maybe, maybe not. I tried ":helpgrep blink" with very few results
concerning the text (most were about how to make the _cursor_ blink).
- On some terminals, ctermbg=128 (in a :hi command) will make text
blink; on others it makes the background intense, see os_dos.txt line
- If t_mb is defined to a nonempty byte sequence, I _think_ that that
byte sequence will start the text blinking (see ":help t_mb"). But
don't take my word for it. If I understood correctly, then t_me undoes
blink, bold and color. But how does one set it?
- If the :hi command accepts term=blink, cterm=blink and/or gui=blink,
then AFAIK it is not documented. Maybe at some future time.

Best regards,

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