Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Re: How about dropping the MzScheme interface?

Probably so.

On Wed, Jan 29, 2020 at 7:57 AM Christian Brabandt <> wrote:

On Mi, 29 Jan 2020, Jesus Arocho wrote:

> I have been reading this thread and I am not sure I understand the question:
> "why would anyone need to alter text"

I have actually been wondering, if he has been trolling successfully.

10E12  Mikrophone = 1 Megaphon
10E-6 Fisch = 1 Mikrofiche
10E21 Picolos = 1 Gigolo
10 Rationen = 1 Dekoration
3 1/3 Tridents = 1 Dekadent
10 Monologe = 5 Dialoge
2 Monogramme = 1 Diagramm

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