Monday, February 17, 2020

Null pointer in a string ^@ popup

I am trying to show a string with null pointers in a popup, I know if you write it to a buffer first with put or if if I echo the string the new lines(null pointers) are shown properly. Is there a way to show the text formatted correctly without writing it to a buffer first?

let winid = popup_create(lines, #{
        \ filter: function('s:popup_filter'),
        \ pos: 'botleft',
        \ line: 'cursor-1',
        \ col: 'cursor',
        \ moved: 'WORD',
        \ firstline: 1,
        \ scrollbar: 1,
        \ close: 'button',
        \ minwidth: 70,
        \ maxwidth: 70,
        \ minheight: 20,
        \ maxheight: 20,
        \ mapping: 0,
        \ })

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