Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Re: editing remote files

On 3/11/20 7:34 PM, Walter Cazzola wrote:
> Dear Vimmers,
> I've recently passed from vim 7.4 to 8.2.
> I was used to administer my remote server through
>    gvim -p --nofork scp://user@server/file1 scp://user@server/file2 ...
> But now it get stuck without asking me the password.
> Digging a little bit the problem I found that replacing -p with -o or -O
> works
> as expected.
> Running gvim with -V9 the log stops on
>    XSMP handling save-yourself request
> no tab appears, no file is visible, I can just kill gvim from the shell.
> Is it changed something in netrw or am I doing something wrong?
> Thank you for your help
> Walter

did you try ssh -X

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