Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Re: removing past start position

On Tue, Apr 14, 2020 at 11:34:28AM -0700, Brian L. Matthews wrote:
> > Yeah, would need another value in 'backspace'. CTRL-W stopping at the
> > insert point has always been the behavior.
> > :set backspace=indent,eol,start,nostop
> > Can't think of a good name for "nostop", could be improved. Or just:
> > :set bs=3
> >
> While certainly it's your guys' decision, but, as CTRL-W stops but then
> continues before the start of the insertion, is another option really
> necessary? In fact, I think it could be the current behavior is better, as
> it stops indicating you've now deleted everything you just entered, but if
> you really want to delete more, just keep hitting CTRL-W.

You don't need CTRL-W at all if you don't mind hitting more keys, but
since we do have it and configurable behaviour, why not cover all the
variations people could want?

I understand you like bs=2, you probably wouldn't be too thrilled if it
was changed to require more keystrokes, even if you could just keep
hitting more keys :)


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