Monday, December 7, 2020

Re: Matching words within X lines [PS]

On Mon, 7 Dec 2020 at 02:29, Tim Chase <> wrote:
> On 2020-12-06 20:23, Tim Chase wrote:
> > They're ugly, but vim will at least let you do them.
> Oh, one other caveat: it only finds the bookends and starts the next
> search after the closing bookend. So if there is the possiblity that
> the matches overlap, such as searching for "A...B" and you have
> A text A text B text B
> it will find the first A through its corresponding B, but won't find
> the second A because it has been eaten as part of the first match.
> Not a grievous concern, but at least something to be aware of if
> you're using it to do some sanity-/duplicate-checking on your
> documents.

Thank you.

I'm using it to help find information in my diary. Eg.: "For future
reference ... X". The X is a keyword suggesting what the future
reference pertains to.

Now, I want to do the following

:redir @m
:redir END

Alternatively, instead of redir, I can use [...]/y M at the end of the
:g command.

Alas, :g includes only the line matching "future.*ref". I want to
capture the whole match. Is there a way to do that?


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