Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Re: Highlight email headers with different colors

Thank you Christian!
This is exactly what I have already done.

Indeed, the mail.vim file highlights all the mail headers, with the same color (white in this case). 

My question is about how to customize these colors (when writing the mail) - say From: field blue, To: field red, ...
I am trying to understand the mail.vim file. It seems it defines the mail header fields all together and colors them with one color.

I am looking for a way to customize the mail header fields 
colors individually. 

On Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 2:40 AM Christian Brabandt <cblists@256bit.org> wrote:

On Mo, 01 Feb 2021, Ian wrote:

> I want the headers colored in vim, when I edit/write the message.
> I have no problems for coloring the headers when viewing the messages in mutt.

I am using mutt with vim and :set edit_headers so I see some headers in
each message. If you have your filetype plugin enabled, Vim should
detect a mail from mutt as filetype mail and it colors headers already
using the provided syntax file for the mail filetype  (see

If this is not enough for you, have a look inside this runtime file to
see how to color different headers.

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