Thursday, April 13, 2023

Re: Quick Vim question

On 2023-04-13, Roy Fulbright wrote:

>> On Thursday, April 13, 2023 at 4:15:19 PM UTC-4 Susan McElheny wrote:

>> I've used the Vi editor on Unix for over 30 years and had to recently
>> switched my software to Windows so I am now using Vim on my c:drive.  I'm
>> confused about how to change settings.  When I do a search all the items
>> are highlighted but there is no indicator for which word in the search I am
>> currently on. How do make Vim indicate which search word I'm currently on?

> Your cursor (normally a blinking black square) should be on the current word in
> the search.

Also, if your cursor does not stand out enough, you might consider
setting 'hlsearch' and setting the highlight for CurSearch to
something different than Search. By default,

:hi CurSearch
CurSearch xxx links to Search


:help 'hlsearch'
:help CurSearch
:help Search
:help 06.3
:help highlight-link
:help highlight-args


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