Hi Tobias,
The nvim plugin for Age is barely six weeks old — no pun intended. It's basically a wrapper. So if you have Age setup, you can open the file and run the command to decrypt it from command
:e some.encrypted.age
:r! age --decrypt %
[ . . . do stuff in buffer . . .]
:r! age --encrypt %
p.s: I know this may not be the most optimal way, but it gets you started
On Thu, Nov 21, 2024 at 10:56 AM Tobias Klausmann <klausman@schwarzvogel.de> wrote:
So I have been using a vim plugin that uses GnuPG for file encryption
for years. It works well enough, but I'd prefer to use something more
modern, like https://github.com/FiloSottile/age.
The "Integrations" page at https://github.com/FiloSottile/awesome-age
lists a neovim plugin for it, but I can't find a vim plugin (the name
"age" does _not_ help with finding one, either...)
Anybody aware of such a plugin for (plain) vim?
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