Thursday, February 22, 2018

Re: making custom key names for mappings

2018-02-22 18:58 GMT+03:00 Renato Fabbri <>:
> leader and localleader are the standard, so one might
> have conflicts between scripts because
> all of them use leader and localleader.
> how would you define, say
> <coolleader>, which you set to the
> leader by default,
> but can be changed to any key
> sequence (including c-v derived).
> ==
> ideally, I would have a command mkKeyName with which to define
> <coolleader> such as
> :mkKeyName -default=leader coolleader
> and might set it to anything such as
> se mapcoolleader=^[
> se mapcoolleader=
> se mapcoolleader!
> se mapcoolleader!=<Space>
> (this implies that one would also able to use
> :setlocal mapcoolleader ??
> and use it in your mappings
> as in
> nnoremap <coolleader>B :call MyCoolFunction()<CR>

This is not needed, there is `:execute` as something requiring changes
to plugin code. E.g. my plugins (on my frawor framework) allow
defining plugin-specific leader.

To override `mapleader` for plugins which are not nice enough to allow
defining plugin-specific leader there is SourcePre event.

I personally find mapleader and maplocalleader as quite *incomplete*
thing. For plugins much better idea would be key-value store: e.g. in
place of

nnoremap <Plug>(FooPluginDoBar) :call foo#bar()<CR>
nnoremap <Plug>(FooPluginDoZab) :call foo#zab()<CR>

nmap <Leader>fb <Plug>(FooPluginDoBar)
nmap <Leader>fz <Plug>(FooPluginDoZab)

(last two possibly surrounded by `if !hasmapto(…)|endif`) one would write just

mapdefineprefix FooPlugin <Leader>f
nnoremap <:FooPlugin:DoBar(b)> :call foo#bar()<CR>
nnoremap <:FooPlugin:DoZab(z)> :call foo#zab()<CR>

and Vim will handle actually substituting values like this: each
`<:prefix:mapname(default)>` expands into a concat of two strings:

1. The rhs of the first `:mapdefineprefix` command with lhs equal to `prefix`.
2. The rhs of the first `:mapdefine` command or the `default` value if
no `:mapdefine` commands with lhs equal to `prefix:mapname` were
issued. Inside `default` `<>` are good as long as they are balanced,
various special characters like `)` may be entered via something like

In both cases using bang clears the prefix, so next non-banged command
will define it (normally it is ignored).

E.g. in this case if user wants mappings of foo plugin start with `,o`
and not `<Leader>f` all he needs would be putting

mapdefineprefix FooPlugin ,o

into the vimrc (requirement: before sourcing actual plugin). If
additionally he thinks that `DoZab` command is easier to run with
`,oo` he would need

mapdefine FooPlugin:DoZab o

(requirement is the same).

Currently plugins may do this on top of `:execute`, but nobody
bothers. I normally want this functionality to e.g. make NERDCommenter
mappings all start with `,c` (no, redefining `<Leader>` for all
plugins does not sound like a good idea; `SourcePre` is useful, but
still feels like a hack) or "undefine" (i.e. prefix with something you
would never type, e.g. `<Plug>XXXIWouldNeverTypeThisXXX`) mappings for
plugins I install for functionality other then mappings (not everybody
is nice enough to have g:NERDCreateDefaultMappings setting).

> thanks again,
> --
> Renato Fabbri
> GNU/Linux User #479299
> --
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