Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Re: Use terminal colors in GUI Vim?

Patrick Gen-Paul wrote:
> I used ":hi + copy/paste" to create a color scheme that reflects my
> xterm's default colors.
> Pleas find attached the color scheme file I created manually via
> copy/paste and a few substitutions + the relevant stanza of my
> .Xdefaults file so all you need to do is replace my terminal color
> definitions by yours.
> :%s/#iiiiii/#jjjjjj/g (e.g.)
> Would be nice if someone could suggest an automated solution, though.
The hicolors plugin can help with this:

(cutting edge)
http://vim.sourceforge.net/scripts/script.php?script_id=1081 (stable)

I used simple.vimrc:
set nocp
syn on
filetype plugin on

and the following:

vim -u simple.vimrc
:he hicolors
(place cursor atop a color) <cr>
(place cursor atop "WriteColorscheme") <cr>
(pick a name for the colorscheme)

Chip Campbell

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