> Well, you can probably tell that I was bored today... but here's a
> port of the 16-color-terminal default colorscheme to gvim. Just
> change the block of colors (the "let" lines..) to match your
> terminal's colors (they're colors 0 through 15, in order, fwiw).
> Hopefully gmail doesn't wrap this on me... In fact, just in case it
> does, I've attached it as well - so there will be a plain text,
> archivable copy in the list archives and a not-horribly-wrapped copy
> in subscriber's inboxes. Sorry I can't disable wrapping ATM. :)
Thanks for the feedback.
Do not deride such efforts - and yours in particular. Stuff like that is
quite valuable in terms of introducing low-level vim users like myself
to vim scripting / customization.
An obvious limitation is that nobody is going to want to type in their
rrggbb's - even 16 of them.. And some folks have 256 colors terminals.
I plan to take a closer look at your port, tomorrow I hope.
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