Sunday, November 29, 2009

Re: Need to know how to load script in Vim

On Sunday 29 November 2009 01:55:28 am satuon wrote:

> I've spent several hours now trying to configure Vim use
> autocompletion for python. The default omni-completion is
> nice but it only completes words that I've already typed.
> I'm trying to use this script
> /usr/share/vim/vim71/autoload/pythoncomplete.vim which comes
> with Vim However I don't know how to load it, or if it's
> already loaded - how to check that. Can anyone tell me how
> you load a script in Vim, i.e. is there a command like
> :load-script /usr/share/vim/vim71/autoload/pythoncomplete.vim
> or
> :check-if-script-is-already-loaded pythoncomplete.vim
> Does this autoload directory mean the script is already
> loaded?

it should be, yes

you can get a complete list of all scripts currently sourced by
issuing the


command -- the command to load a script is

:source <scriptname>

but you won't need that if the python script is in your autoload


:help autoload
:help autoload-functions

for information on how to call autoloaded functions -- if you can
successfully call a function in pythoncomplete, you'll know it's
loaded -- there should be script specific documentation in your
doc path to help out too -- try

:help python<tab>

for a list of python specific help that has been installed and
indexed -- just keep hitting the tab key til one you're
interested in is highlighted, then hit enter

hmmm -- that :help <subject><tab> trick works in vim 7.1 --


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