On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 9:09 PM, Nathan Neff <nathan.neff@gmail.com> wrote:
Andy, your solution worked.
I have a mapping that will paste a newline plus the contents of the specified register (or the unnamed register by default)
func! MyPaste()
exec "pu " . v:register
nn <leader>p :<C-U>call MyPaste()
This seems petty - it's the difference between 5 keystrokes and 2, but I use it
about 30 times a day. Can I ask what the <C-U> does? I tried the code w/o the <C-U> and I can't see a difference in the functionality.
On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 3:36 AM, Andy Wokula <anwoku@yahoo.de> wrote:Nathan Neff schrieb:
> I'm looking to create a custom command / mapping where I can use the:h v:register
> contents of a register that is specified by the user.
> Similar to how ["x]p works. The user can press "ap and the contents of the
> "a" register will be pasted. The user can just press p and the contents of
> the unnamed register are pasted by default.
> I want to define a custom command where the user can put the optional ["x]
> in front of the mapping, and my command will work with the register that the
> user specified.
> If the user doesn't specify a register, then I'm going to use the unnamed
> register by default.
> Is there a way to create a mapping that accepts the optional ["x] in front
> of it?
> Thanks,
> --Nate
nn <Leader>a :<C-U>call MyPaste()<CR>
func! MyPaste()
exec "normal!" v:count1. '"'.v:register. "p"
And what is your command supposed to do?
Good question. The command will take the contents of the specified register and paste it in a new line below the cursor. Similar to the :pu command.
Andy, your solution worked.
I have a mapping that will paste a newline plus the contents of the specified register (or the unnamed register by default)
func! MyPaste()
exec "pu " . v:register
nn <leader>p :<C-U>call MyPaste()
This seems petty - it's the difference between 5 keystrokes and 2, but I use it
about 30 times a day. Can I ask what the <C-U> does? I tried the code w/o the <C-U> and I can't see a difference in the functionality.
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