Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Re: Cscope definition

On 01/12/09 21:53, epanda wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to force cscope to display me only the cpp definition of
> a symbol.
> cs find g myfunc
> displays
> choice
> 1: header.h myfunc
> 2: header.cpp myfunc
> I would like to tell cs to display only cpp definition.
> Thanks

I suppose you can omit the *.h files when you generate the cscope
database? Or do you want to decide at run-time whether or not to include
them in the search? In that case I'm afraid the only solution would be
to generate two cscope databases under different names, and ":cs add"
(or ":cs kill") one, the other, or both, depending on circumstances.

man cscope
(if you have the cscope manpage on Unix, Linux, Cygwin, ...)
where you will find an example explicitly listing which
files I want cscope to scan

Best regards,
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