Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Re: Mapping ctrl-; (ctrl semicolon)

> I'm trying to set up a mapping on ctrl-; but vim seems to be unable to
> detect the keystroke:
> :imap <c-;> blah
> Vim seems to read it as a modifier-free semicolon regardless of what I
> do. I'm on MacVim snapshot 51 based on Vim 7.2.303. I've tested with
> the --noplugin switch and through SSH to a linux 7.0 version. I'm
> unaware of any mac shortcuts that would interfere nor any terminal
> control characters. I am able to receive the event in other
> applications.

When you say that other applications see it, are they GUI or
console apps (especially via SSH)? In insert mode, you can try
typing control+V followed by control+; and see if Vim sees the
character. You might also try the same experiment in gvim. I
don't think ctrl+; is a standard key encoding in terminals, so
vim won't likely get a chance to see it to process it.


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