Friday, July 2, 2010

Re: Feature Request...

On Friday, July 02, 2010 11:59:08 Fuzzy Logic wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 2:34 AM, bill lam <> wrote:

> I've had this discussion before. Bottom post and top post are equally
> good, as long as the message is trimmed properly. I know some of the
> people on this list view it as a holy war, but it doesn't really
> matter as long as the message gets through and is understandable.

I agree that both have advantages. I disagree that they're interchangeable.
Top posting is useful (and thus the norm) in a business environment where it's
often important to maintain the entire record of communications and where
conversations tend to be a sequential chain of comments. Bottom posting is
much more appropriate for an environment like this where the conversation
tends to be interleaved, with responses directed to individual parts of the

"The hypocrite's crime is that he bears false witness against himself. What
makes it so plausible to assume that hypocrisy is the vice of vices is that
integrity can indeed exist under the cover of all vices except this one." -
Lionel Trilling

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