Thursday, July 1, 2010

Re: Question to Ruby users

On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 12:25 AM, Ciss <> wrote:
Hello everyone.

Does anybody need a more lovely api to write vim extensions via ruby
Or this is bad idea to improve vimscript-ruby api?

I start to write this staff, and it seems what i will make much like
getting args and eval this via VIM::command;


def bind_function(key,function)
 VIM::command("map <expr> #{key} RubyMethod(\"#{function.to_s}\")")

def fu_test()
 vim_print("Hello from ruby api!")

bind "mm", :fu_test

So, when i start to write this api i think this will be more funny but
now i understand... :)

Anybody interesting in this Ruby-Vim-Improve-Api? Or this is unusefull

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I love this idea !!!

I don't know vimscript but I'm a rubist,
and I would be more than happy if I could help you.

Best regards,

Etienne Vallette d'Osia

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