> I'm moving on from vim basics to the fun stuff. Just found out about vimgrep et. al.
> I've set grepprg to ack-grep and after executing :lgrep I'd like to go
> immediately to the "Location list" buffer, without having to press enter
> after the results come back from ack-grep and without having to
> explicitly execute :lopen.
This command might work for you:
:command! -nargs=+ MyLgrep execute 'silent lgrep! <args>' | lopen 42
Note that the '!' form of lgrep means 'do not jump to first match', which may
or may not be what you want.
The location list window doesn't have to be made 42 lines high, of course.
You can then invoke this command like so:
:MyLgrep export ~/.bashrc
to find for example all occurrences of the pattern 'export' in your ~/.bashrc.
You might want to map this to a key sequence:
:nnoremap <Leader>g :MyLgrep
Note that its a tiny bit more convenient if you map to 'MyLgrep ' (with a
trailing space).
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