I've just downloaded vim 7.3 for windows (I'm on Windows XP) which
comes with ruby 1.9 support. I also have ruby 1.9.1-p430 installed. If
I open an irb console and write:
irb(main):001:0> require 'rubygems'
=> false
I get false, which is fine because ruby 1.9 already comes with
However, if I try the same from vim, I get:
:ruby require 'rubygems'
NoMethodError: undefined method `synchronize` for #<Mutex:0x1da8480>
I know the workaround is just not to require 'rubygems' anymore, but
this looks strange to me. Any ideas why I get a different behavior
from within vim? Does anybody have the same problem or is related to
my configuration only?
Many thanks.
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