> On 25 September 2010 22:24, Benjamin R. Haskell wrote:
>> On Sat, 25 Sep 2010, Daniel Vim wrote:
>>> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3712725/can-i-change-vim-completion-preview-window-height/3787326#3787326
>> Can you provide more context? :help mentions that 'previewheight' is
>> just the default value. If there's an existing preview window, it
>> will be reüsed, and its height won't be altered.
>> [...]
>> Perhaps Eclimd sets up some autocmds that explicitly set the window
>> height?
> The preview windows height in the example you gave are also 4 lines.
> (When I disable the work-around of course...).
> [...]
> I've encountered this issue when I've used the fugitive plugin (a
> plugin for git).
> The plugin adds the command :Gstatus that opens a preview window.
> The thing is that in my vim that preview window height was only 4
> lines, even after I've explicitly set previewheight=50 in my .vimrc .
> So each time I had to resize it by hand (Ctrl-w 20+)
I installed that plugin and had no problems with it respecting
I still think it's either:
1) something else setting previewheight:
Try, after opening a preview window that is unintentionally 4 lines
:verbose set previewheight?
2) something with an autocmd, but I don't really want to dig through
your .vimrc and .vim/ dirs.
If you have a lot of autocmds, you might want to :redir them to a file:
redir! > autocmds
silent! au
redir END
new +/\\cpreview\\\|pv autocmds
> So to workaround this (annoying unproductive) problem - I did what
> I've posted to SO (I am theosp) .
Using a BufEnter autocmd seems sensible.
Why the ?* in this line? just ensuring it's a named buffer?
au BufEnter ?* call PreviewHeightWorkAround()
And a shorter version (a function seems like overkill):
au BufEnter ?* if &pvw | let &l:wh=&pvh | endif
:help :let-&
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