> vim_use@googlegroups.com 写于 2010-09-25 19:44:03:
>>> I ask you; What is wrong with tar.gz?
>> It is not easily extractable on Windows, if you don't have any extra
>> archiver installed. And this is not always possible to install them. So
>> I release my plugins as .vba.
> Does Vim come with Windows? No, you need to download and install it.
> So you could also download and install 7-zip for Windows.
Having to install 3rd party software such as 7-zip, though not
difficult, is enough of a barrier that it will discourage some would-be
downloaders from trying a plugin. Sometimes a user is mildly interested
in a plugin, to the point that he wouldn't mind installing it and giving
it a try, but only if he can do so in a few simple steps. The more steps
required (e.g., find a suitable unzip program on the web, download,
accept license agreement, install, etc...) the more likely he is to move
on to something else without trying the plugin.
> 7-zip is a free software which decompresses almost all common archives in
> windows, like .rar, .zip, .tar.gz, .tar.bz2, etc...
>> Plus, anybody that is not familiar with vim, might not know where to
>> extract these archives. Vimball takes care of that for you.
> AFAIK, anybody that does not familiar with vim will not be familiar with
> vimball archive too.
> I've had 20 collegues in my office who uses vim and none of them knows the
> existence of vimball archive.
They don't really have to be familiar with the vimball format, as the
"install details" on the download page would clearly state what he needs
to do to extract. Vimball will automatically extract to the first
directory in 'rtp' without the user even having to know what the
'runtimepath' is.
>> I would even ask, what's wrong with .vba?
> because .vba file is usually considered virus in windows, it would be MUCH
> better change it to another extension.
I agree with you on this point. When I first saw the .vba extension, I
was surprised, thinking that someone had created a Vim plugin install
program with Visual Basic for Applications!
Brett Stahlman
> --
> Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu.
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