Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Re: Determining if Vim is running in text-console mode or X Windows

On Tue, February 1, 2011 10:23 am, Steve Laurie wrote:
> Hi,
> I've searched Vim help and Google as well as done lots of
> experimentation with no luck.
> Basically, what I'm trying to do is put something in my .vimrc file that
> can determine if I'm starting Vim in text-console mode or in
> gnome-terminal.
> The reason I need to do this is because I log into FreeBSD in
> text-console. If I go into Xorg, I use startx and I use gnome-terminal
> in Window Maker.
> I need to determine if I'm in text-console mode so I can set the term
> setting in my .vimrc file to cons25 and if I startx, I need to set
> t_Co=256, term to xterm-256color and set the theme to a nice 256 color
> theme.
> If I try to use the color settings in console mode, the screen turns red
> and the text flashes.
> I've tried the following:
> if has("x11")
> set term=xterm-256color
> set t_Co=256
> colorscheme calmar256-dark
> else
> set term=cons25
> colorscheme myvim
> endif
> This didn't work. I've also tried:
> if has("gui_running")
> if has("gui_gtk2")
> nothing works. I've even tried the reverse ways like "if !has", but
> still, no luck.
> Can someone help me out on this?

So you basically distinguish it by inspecting your $TERM variable. First
determine in both situations what your $TERM is set to, then put something
like this in your .vimrc

if &term=~'linux'
" This is the console on linux. I don't know for FreeBSD
" set your console settings here.
elseif &term=~'xterm'
" Put your settings for X11 mode here


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