Thursday, May 26, 2011

Re: Trouble with VIM and some "hidden" vimrc file

On 05/26/2011 10:32 AM, Denzel Li wrote:
> I have been using vim for years and I love it. My problem is:
> it seems that my vim is using an "old" _vimrc file "hidden"
> somewhere rather than the one in the vim directory.

The first thing to check would be the output of


to see what Vim thinks it's been loading. Just looking at the
output, you might spy the guilty startup script, but if not, you
can paste the contents in response to this to get extra sets of eyes.

> By the way, the OS is windows 7. And even after I removed the _vimrc
> file under the vim directory, vim still works.

In theory, removing the $HOME\_vimrc *should* provide you with a
fairly stock Vim with no enhancements. Vim should run just fine,
as you see.


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