Thursday, February 23, 2012

[ANN] EasyColour 1.0.0: Colour Schemes made Easy!

The first public release of EasyColour is available from either of the
following URLs:

This plugin makes it really easy to create your own colour scheme for
Vim. You don't need to understand Vim script and you can base your
colour scheme on an existing one if you like.

For colour schemes written entirely with EasyColour, the plugin
automatically handles details like:

* Working with limited numbers of colours (the nearest available
colour is automatically found for 8, 16 and 256 colour terminals);
* Changing the background colour: define your colour scheme with (say)
a dark background with light foreground colours, set the 'LightAuto'
flag and EasyColour will automatically choose some dark foreground
colours to work with a light background.

Why write a colour scheme like this:

let colors_name = "mycolourscheme"
hi Normal guibg=DarkBlue guifg=White ctermbg=4
hi Statement ctermfg=3 ctermbg=6 gui=undercurl guifg=Yellow
guibg=#f6e8d0 guisp=Red
hi Keyword guifg=White guibg=DarkBlue ctermfg=0 ctermbg=4
hi Comment guifg=SeaGreen ctermfg=2 gui=Bold cterm=bold

when you can write it like this:


with all of the styles automatically highlighted (when you save) so
you can see what the colours look like?

I've ported my 'Bandit' colour scheme from the previous (already
customised!) format into EasyColour now: it's included in the
distribution as an example of a fairly advanced colour scheme.

Comments on a postcard to the usual address (or you could just email me...).



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