Sunday, July 29, 2012

Re: Display more characters as one

On Sun, Jul 29, 2012 at 11:10:44AM -0700, jachymb wrote:
> But maybe one more question to this topic, though:
> Is it possible to create different conceal "classes"? I mean, when I do some
> syntax mathching with conceal, I have to link the conceal to only one syntax
> type like this: "hi! link Conceal Operator". But not all things I want to
> conceal are necessarily opearors. Is there a solution to this?

You shouldn't link to Conceal. Instead use the conceal argument
to :syntax, e.g.:

syntax match hsNiceOperator "\\" conceal cchar=λ

I'm not sure why the plugin links to Conceal, but it's not
necessary and everything works fine without it (e.g. the above
line is enough - it needs 'conceallevel' set to 1 or 2).

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