Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Re: Enable option / disable option

On Tuesday, 31 July 2012 12:51:52 UTC+1, dotancohen wrote:
> On Superuser I found this nice way to highlight the word under the

> cursor for the whole page:

> http://superuser.com/questions/255024/vim-highlighting-a-search-term-without-moving-the-cursor
> I would like to enable / disable this feature, for instance on
> <leader>h.
Here's another way to highlight the word under the cursor


If you use this plugin, you can simply enable the functionality


then use a NumPad key to assign a colour to that
word everywhere without moving your cursor.


You can us many different highlights at once for many
different words, or more complex search patterns if you

Doesn't answer your programming question of course,
just evades it :)


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