Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Re: Difference between and

On 01/08/12 03:12, JaredPar wrote:
> The help page on key-notation (:help key-notation) states that several keys are equivalent for others
> - <C-H> and <BS>
> - <C-I> and <Tab>
> - <C-L> and <FF>
> For most keys this appears to be true. Attempts to map with the LHS of <C-I> and <Tab> would conflict and the last one typed would win. For example
> :imap <Tab> hit tab
> :imap <C-I> hit control i
> :imap
> This will actually print the following.
> i <Tab> hit control i
> This behavior is expected. The keys are equivalent and hence the latter mapping should win out exactly as if I had typed <Tab> in the second mapping. This behavior appears to play out for 6 of the 7 equivalent key pairs listed on that page.
> It doesn't play out though for <C-H> and <BS>. These appear to be different keys even though they have the same ASCII value
> :imap <C-H> hit control h
> :imap <BS> hit backspace
> :imap
> This will print both mappings out to the screen. Subsequent key strokes of <C-H> and <BS> will insert the expected value into insert mode.
> Why is the <C-H> and <BS> pair different in this respect? I can't seem to find any justification for this difference?
> I'm using gVim 7.2 on Windows (7 or server 2008).

Vim can also tell <Del> and <C-?> apart (at least in my GTK2 GUI). I
think it's because on some systems the backspace key in "cooked" mode
produces ^H (0x08) and the Del key ^? (0x7F), and on other systems it's
the opposite, so Vim needs some fancy footwork to keep them straight.
See among others :help :fixdel

This varies between gvim and Console Vim: the same executable running in
Console mode in the Linux (text-only) console or in the KDE konsole sees
<BS> as ^? and <Del> as ^[[3~ which I suppose means that it cannot tell
Backspace apart from Ctrl-? (in GUI mode it can). (NB. On Linux, but not
on Windows, it is possible to have a single executable for both gvim and
Console Vim, and that's what I'm using.)

Note that (something + 0x80) is also equivalent with (Alt-something)
where "something" is any keycode in the range [0x00-0x7F]. For instance
(in Latin1 or UTF-8 'encoding') 0xE9 is both é (e-acute) and Alt-i.

Oh, and BTW, Vim 7.2 is old stuff: Vim 7.3.0 was released about two
years ago and 7.3.618 came out day before yesterday. I recommend that
you upgrade to a more recent version, e.g. by installing the most recent
"Vim" (not "cream") installer found at (as of this writing
it's 7.3.600 but if by the time you get there there is a more recent
version, so much the better).

Best regards,
How wonderful opera would be if there were no singers.

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