Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Re: gedit to gvim/vim teething issues

On Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 06:49:06PM -0500, Tim Chase wrote:
> [snip]
> which modified file do you want. I'll often instruct Vim to ignore
> the file on disk, yank the entire contents (":%y") and paste them in
> a new buffer (":vnew", "PGdd"), go back to the original file and
> force a reload of it (":e!") to get the other modified version, then
> use Vim's diffing abilities to compare the two (":diffthis" in each
> window). That allows me to have both versions and make sure I
> eventually save what I really want.

You might be interested in the :DiffOrig command from
vimrc_example.vim which automates this task, here's a slightly
improved version which keeps the filetype:

command DiffOrig
\ let s:diff_orig_filetype = &filetype
\ | vertical new
\ | let &filetype = s:diff_orig_filetype
\ | unlet s:diff_orig_filetype
\ | set buftype=nofile
\ | read ++edit #
\ | 0d_
\ | diffthis
\ | wincmd p
\ | diffthis

+ privacy is necessary
+ using gnupg
+ public key id: 0x92FEFDB7E44C32F9

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