Sunday, August 26, 2012

Re: Typing "â" problem

On Sat, Aug 25, 2012 at 09:42:06PM EDT, Fernando Basso wrote:
> On Saturday, August 25, 2012 10:36:40 PM UTC-3, Chris Jones wrote:


Have you solved this..?

As Tim indicated, there's a very strong likelihood that whatever Vim
sees when you 'type' â is somehow bound to some (unprintable) action or

The reason being that in insert mode, the effect of typing CTRL-V prior
to hitting a key (or key combination) is to insert the 'raw' character
in the buffer, regardless of whether it is printable or bound to
a command/action.

That would account for the fact that the problem does not occur when you
type CTRL-V, then 'â'..

Unless I missed it, I haven't seen a detailed explanation of what you
actually do when you 'type'the a-hat..

Do you have a key marked 'â' on your keyboard..?

Or are you using one of half a dozen different methods that let you
enter a character that is not provided by your physical keyboard
(digraph, keymap, dead key, compose key, AltGr, third level X11
modifier, abbreviation, i_CTRL-V + digit, input method.. etc.)

Might help narrow it down..


AHH! The neurotic monkeys are after me!

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