Thursday, May 23, 2013

Re: how to debug file type recognition

> Files in the ftplugin directory should not be setting the filetype. That may be the culprit of your multiple loads as well. ftplugin/smarty.vim should only be running when you do "set ft=smarty" so setting it again is unnecessary at best.

looking back at my dotfiles git log i found that to be my first attempt to fix this issue, and that clearly shows that i didn't understand at all vim plugins/filetypes ^__^ at least i should have learned something new.

btw, after some tries i was able to fix the problem by removing that line from ftplugin/ and putting it inside ~/.vim/after/ftdetect/smarty.vim, ~/.vim/ftdetect/ wasn't enough to get my settings win over the other plugin ftdetect

regarding my multiple loads i won't be at office till next monday, so i'll be unable to test this. i can try to replicate the issue here at home on my mac though. supposing os / system performance don't matter, i should be able to get the same result i have on my linux box

thanks again for the help

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