Thursday, May 23, 2013

Re: Vundle vs Pathogen

On 23/05/2013 16:19, Christian Brabandt wrote:

> On Thu, May 23, 2013 14:38, Donie Leigh wrote:
>> I found that the vim-scripts repo is not
>> updated in time, the latest activity was carried out a month ago ! As
>> an OCD patient of updating, I cannot tolerate old versions of vim
>> scripts.
> I don't know what an OCD patient is, but I don't understand, why
> you "cannot tolerate old versions of vim scripts"? If they work well
> for you, why bother?

For further reinforcement of what Christian's saying, refer to the first
law of system administration: if it's working correctly unless you have
a *really* good reason to, don't just upgrade for the sake of it.



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