Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Re: vim productivity plugin (P.S.)

On 01/07/14 12:06, Felix Dietze wrote:
> I personally don't like HJKL, because I'm writing with the NEO Keyboard layout, which has built in arrow keys in the home row already. ;)

P.S. (This is unrelated to my post of a few minutes ago.)
Just a remainder: in Vim, case is important: in the Vim help, H J K L
mean Shift-h Shift-j Shift-k Shift-l respectively. I suppose this is
because Vim comes from the Unix world, where case is significant: e.g.
to make a new directory on Unix (or Linux or Mac OSX), you would use the
command mkdir, not MkDir or MKDIR.

Best regards,
Do something big -- fuck a giant.

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