Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Re: vim productivity plugin

On 01/07/14 12:06, Felix Dietze wrote:
> Am Dienstag, 1. Juli 2014 03:53:19 UTC+2 schrieb Tony Mechelynck:
>> On 01/07/14 02:04, Felix Dietze wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> is there a plugins that gives you hints on how to improve your vim usage?
>>> If for example I'm pressing "lllll" the plugin would suggest me to make more use of "e,w,E,W".
>>> If I'm pressing "|i" the suggestion would be to use "I" instead.
>>> I'm thinking about writing one, but wanted to check here first if something like this exists already.
>>> Of course any thougts on this are welcome.
>>> Felix
>> Have you run the tutor? If not, do it.
> Yes I did. This was actually my starting point. I've been using vim for almost a year now.
>> The idea is to get the right customs into your reflexes rather than pop
>> up annoying messages which get on your nerves and also _worsen_ your
>> productivity every time you don't do "as the master said".
>> Indeed, there are often many ways to obtain a given result in Vim, and
>> usually none of them can be said to be "the best for everyone every
>> time" to the exclusion of all other ways to get the same result.
>> Matter in point: some users will bash you no end for using ←↓↑→ when
>> "the Vim way", they say, means never using them, and always using only
>> hjkl instead. Others say that since Vim supports the arrow keys, you may
>> use them if you want to (and your keyboard provides them). I'm not
>> saying on which side of that fence I stand but maybe you can guess it.
> You are right, such a plugin could get on your nerves when used too often. My motivation came from the fact that I liked when people seeing me editing in vim and gave me hints on how I could do things easier. This is how I found out about the 's' and '.' commands for example.
> I personally don't like HJKL, because I'm writing with the NEO Keyboard layout, which has built in arrow keys in the home row already. ;)
>> Best regards,
>> Tony.
>> --
>> hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
>> 123. You ask the car dealer to install an extra cigarette lighter
>> on your new car to power your notebook.

Anything you use is OK by me, if it does the job you want done. If it
does the job but isn't easy enough, then it's time to search the help
for alternative ways, see ":help helphelp" (without the quotes of
course). You may even read the help like one reads an encyclopedia
(start anywhere, follow some interesting-looking hotlink, and continue
from there; but first make sure your homework is done and you have time
before supper, bedtime, or your next appointment, because you know where
you start but you don't know where it'll take you ;-) ).

My third recommendation (after the tutor and the help) is to subscribe
to these lists (at least vim_use, and possibly also vim_mac if you're on
a Mac) and read them, even posts whose titles don't look germane to the
problems you have at hand. They might be relevant for problems you'll
have in the future.

And finally, if after searching the help you don't find what you need,
come here with a precise question (including usecase and example, as in
"I have this and I want to make it that"). If you describe it well
enough, people will jump to help you, and at times you'll be surprised
at the variety of solutions you get.

Best regards,
"When I told the people of Northern Ireland that I was an atheist, a
woman in the audience stood up and said, "Yes, but is it the God of
the Catholics or the God of the Protestants in whom you don't believe?"
[Quentin Crisp]

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