On Feb 26, 2015 11:36 AM, "Tim Chase" <vim@tim.thechases.com> wrote:
> On 2015-02-26 12:01, Christian Brabandt wrote:
> > >> I had to dismiss a solution based on CursorHold as it isn't
> > >> immediate. Sadly there is no ReadonlyChanged event...
> > >
> > > Where in the sources would I start btw. if I wanted to implement
> > > a new event?
> >
> > I would rather add a new autocommand au Option or au OptionSet
> I second Christian's suggestion, making it more generic. There are
> times I've wanted to catch changes in other settings (mostly for
> debugging purposes), and a broader OptionSet event with some variable
> containing the option name, the old value, and the new value.
> Though this would get particularly hairy for settings that impact
> other settings such as
> :set cp
> which changes a whole bunch of other settings. Does one just fire a
> single "OptionSet", or does one then cascade the firing of more
> "OptionSet" events for the ~48 settings it would impact?
> Then you also have "useless machine"[1] cases where the code fired on
> the event re-sets the option back to its previous state:
> :autocmd OptionSet * if g:option_name=='expandtab'|set et|endif
> You'd also have issues of option names: do you use the long or short
> form to identify them?
> It's a big ugly can of worms, and while I'd enjoy seeing the
> functionality come to Vim, I'd rather it be done "right".
> -tim
>I think that a second event fires after 'cp' is changed, but without some indication that it's a secondary reaction or some such, people will go mad trying to find out how the option was triggered. I would consider such a thing to be a single operation and create one event and have the variable be a list of all options.
Maybe also indicate the old value in there?
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