Monday, February 23, 2015

Re: Combine . with @:

Perhaps not what you're wanting, but you could always use key-remapping to short-cut editing and ex-cmd sequences, thus making 'repeating' easier.

On Mon, Feb 23, 2015 at 12:00 PM, Nikolay Pavlov <> wrote:

2015-02-23 17:47 GMT+03:00 Paolo Bolzoni <>:
Dear everyone,

It is possible to change the meaning of . so it repeats the last
command, whatever it was a normal command or a ex command? I find
confusing that I can type dw..., but not :cNext<cr>..

Dot was *never* meant to repeat non-editing commands. `dw` is repeated because you edit buffer with it, but something like `/foo` is not repeated by dot (though `d/foo` will). Repeating `:cNext` will completely break the meaning of dot because :cNext is not about editing anything.

Though Ex commands that edit something are not repeated by the dot as well.

Yours faithfully,

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