Sunday, June 14, 2015

Re: Formatting of lists and paragraphs containing numbers with fo+=n

On Sun, Jun 14, 2015 at 06:48:47PM +1000, Erik Christiansen wrote:
> Further, if we want to be 100% immune to list point mimicry due to
> unfortunate wrapping, then it is essential to choose a unique regex.
> That would seem to require choice of a unique suffix, since the rest
> is quite ordinary text.
> With '\.' susceptible, and ')' no safer, I'd look at some of these:
> 1] asdjk kjasldjlkjklj kljaslkdjakljsd lkjadslkjaskldjklaj ljlkj
> [...]
> If using utf-8, then an even safer option might be choosing a
> thoroughly weird character, like the fat little bullet symbol I've
> seen once or twice.

OK, thanks. Probably I will have to choose that method as the simplest
to implement. Luckily, most of the time I don't have to use explicit
numbering (e.g. with ReST).

If I have time I will look into the formatexpr (mentioned earlier) as

Marcin Szewczyk
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