Sunday, July 24, 2016

Re: Changing the defaults with Vim 8

Hi Bram,

For about as long as I've been using Vim, I've had a .vimrc with a
"runtime vimrc_example.vim" line in it and a few (and then more than
only a few) lines added to it to tweak it to my liking. For instance a
number of additional mappings.

To revert part of the "filetype plugin indent on" in the
vimrc_example.vim I add "filetype indent off" after sourcing it, thus
keeping filetype and syntax detection but not autoindent. I recently
noticed, to my happy surprise, that matchit was now included by
default by the vimrc_example.vim so the lines I had (a symlink in
~/.vim/doc and a plugin with only a runtime line in ~/.vim/plugin)
have now become obsolete.

I'm appending a copy of my vimrc and of my "almost-default"
colorscheme — most of them is not meant as a new standard but as an
example of how one particular user may want to customise his own Vim:
it works for me, it might or might not work for you. Other plugins I
got from the "vim scripts" site, among which CSApprox and CloseTag
(and others which I use less often), I'm not detailing them here. Nor
am I detailing all the scripts (often one-liner ftplugins, but also
keymaps etc.) which I have in subdirectories of ~/.vim/ and

Best regards, and… Have fun!

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