Thursday, July 14, 2016

Re: pass count to nmap with call

On Thursday, July 14, 2016 at 12:00:06 AM UTC-7, wrote:
> Hi,
> Bee schrieb am 14.07.2016 um 08:28:
> > I tried to pass a count to <F11> but got a range error.
> >
> > nmap <F11> :call VMA()<bar>:bn<cr>
> >
> > Can it be done?
> >
> > nmap <F12> :bn<cr>
> >
> > 4<F12> works
> in my experience counts and mappings don't work together very well. A
> preceding count is always used for the first command in the mapping only.
> So what happens when you enter
> 4<F11>
> is that Vim converts your count to an address for the command-line,
> which effectively results in
> :.,.+3call VMA()|:bn
> In your mapping you first have to remove this address and "move" the
> count to the front of the command :bn. The count is stored in the global
> variable v:count. There is an example at :help v:count which can be
> adopted:
> :nmap <F11> :<C-U>call VMA()<bar>execute v:count1 . "bn"<cr>
> Note that I removed the superfluous second colon and that instead of
> v:count I used v:count1 which defaults to 1 if no count was given.
> Regards,
> Jürgen
> --
> Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere
> in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us. (Calvin)

More reading... a count is not needed.
First time I have used bufdo!

function! B_() " field delimiter ';'
g/^\d*;\+$/d " remove blank records
v/^\d\+;/d " remove non-data records
let @4=expand('%:t:r') " remove path, extension
let @4=substitute(@4,'\s\+',' ','g') " remove extra whitespace, normalize
let @4=substitute(@4,'^ ','','') " remove leading whitespace
let @4=substitute(@4,' $','','') " remove trailing whitespace
let @4=substitute(@4,'.*\zs ',';','') " replace ' ' ';' before date
let @4.=";" " append ';' filename;date
g/^\d\+;/:normal "4P " prefix lines filename;date;
endfun " example :bufdo call B_()

function! B() " everyone keep quiet
silent bufdo call B_()
endfun " example :call B()


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