Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Re: Trouble building Huge Vim8 on CentOS 7


On Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 07:13 PM PDT, L A Walsh wrote:
LAW> Mun wrote:
LAW> >I tried to find a yum package that provides SMlib.h, but my system said:
LAW> >"No matches found". Sigh.
LAW> ----
LAW> I found I had to create my own reverse index of packages in my
LAW> distro to find files.
LAW> basically a:
LAW> "rpm -qpl path-to-pkg/pkg.rpm > path-to-rpmlist/pkg.rpm.lst"
LAW> for each rpm in my distro (so each rpm file list ends up in a
LAW> different file).
LAW> It's the only way to find a file that I've found. It's 550Meg
LAW> of just rpm-file lists. That said, how to find files in your
LAW> distro, isn't really a 'vim question', but a question for
LAW> people who know how to find things in your distro.
LAW> Dunno if it is helpful, but in suse13.2, it's in libSM-devel.

Thanks for the reply. I was able to finally get vim to compile, but it
was a little painful to discover all of the dependencies.

If there exists documentation which specifies the dependencies for a
"huge gui" implementation on CentOS7, I missed it.

Kind regards,


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