I'm trying to build a function for solving some completion hacking.
I mean, I would like to quickly move my cursor in insertmod backward in
the current line and cycle though the positions.
My idea is to define 2 key bindings:
imap <c-left> which will detect some char in the current line [=/]
imap <c-right> which will delete one space backward
hitting c-left would bring my cursor in insert mode just after the char
I represent the cursor with a pipe
and each c-left cycle through matchable character, and back where we
started the mapping
I would know if I can imap <esc> temporary so it will finish my cycle
and move the cursor back to the started position, saved in a mark (may
be some offset compute, because I inserted space).
That way I can come back to insert mode and hit <c-x><c-f> to have file
completion fore example, with the modified path and having filename
completed with current path.
Do I need to handle the imap <esc> myself or it there some instant
one-shot mapping?
Here is my function draft:
" supprime l'espace dans la completion "test_ nom_class<c-f>"
imap <c-left> <esc>miF x`ia
" insert l'espace sur in char
imap <c-right> <esc>:call Lookup_back()<cr>a
" var=pipo/molo
func! Lookup_back()
let l = getline('.')
let s = 0
" save the line txt in g:last_l, will be our memory + g:last_match
if exists("g:last_l")
if l == g:last_l
let s = g:last_match + 1
let g:last_l = l
" init
norm mi
let g:last_l = l
" reverse it
let r = join(reverse(split(l, '\zs')), '')
let p = match(r, '[=/][^ ]', s)
let g:last_match = p
if p > -1
call cursor(line('.'), col("'i") - p)
let g:last_l = ""
" put back at 'i
"call cursor(line('.'), col("'i"))
echo p
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Tuesday, April 4, 2017
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