Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Re: Trouble building Huge Vim8 on CentOS 7

On Wed, Apr 5, 2017 at 4:18 AM, Mun <> wrote:
> Hi,
> On Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 07:13 PM PDT, L A Walsh wrote:
> LAW> Mun wrote:
> LAW> >I tried to find a yum package that provides SMlib.h, but my system said:
> LAW> >"No matches found". Sigh.
> LAW> ----
> LAW> I found I had to create my own reverse index of packages in my
> LAW> distro to find files.
> LAW>
> LAW> basically a:
> LAW> "rpm -qpl path-to-pkg/pkg.rpm > path-to-rpmlist/pkg.rpm.lst"
> LAW> for each rpm in my distro (so each rpm file list ends up in a
> LAW> different file).
> LAW>
> LAW> It's the only way to find a file that I've found. It's 550Meg
> LAW> of just rpm-file lists. That said, how to find files in your
> LAW> distro, isn't really a 'vim question', but a question for
> LAW> people who know how to find things in your distro.
> LAW>
> LAW>
> LAW> Dunno if it is helpful, but in suse13.2, it's in libSM-devel.
> Thanks for the reply. I was able to finally get vim to compile, but it
> was a little painful to discover all of the dependencies.
> If there exists documentation which specifies the dependencies for a
> "huge gui" implementation on CentOS7, I missed it.
> Kind regards,
> --
> Mun

The output of rpm queries is often inwieldy, so it's useful to grep
them for what you're looking for. For instance, to see which of the
foobar packages are installed,

rpm -qa | grep ^foobar

(notice the initial ^ which has the same meaning as in a Vim pattern)
is much nicer than looking at the full rpm -qa output.

Best regards,

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