Sunday, April 1, 2018


--- /usr/share/vim/vim80/tools/ 2018-02-19 05:48:44.000000000 +0000
+++ 2018-04-02 06:19:31.981504706 +0100
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
# "@(#) shtags 1.1 by S. Riehm"

+use Getopt::Std;
# obvious... :-)
sub usage
@@ -45,12 +47,11 @@
# initialisations
($program = $0) =~ s,.*/,,;
-require '';

# parse command line
-&Getopts( "t:s:vVwx" ) || &usage();
+getopts( "t:s:vVwx" ) || &usage();
$tags_file = $opt_t || 'tags';
$explicit = $opt_x;
$variable_tags = $opt_v;
On Monday 2 April 2018 00:42,
Dave Woodfall <> put forth the proposition:
>On Monday 2 April 2018 00:39,
>Dave Woodfall <> put forth the proposition:
>>On Sunday 1 April 2018 13:19,
>>Christian Brabandt <> put forth the proposition:
>>>On Fr, 30 Mär 2018, David Woodfall wrote:
>>>>I discovered the script today and wondered is it's
>>>>compatible with Getopt:Std or could it be adapted to use it?
>>>>I've installed Perl4::Corelibs anyway and I'm thinking about making a
>>>>slackware build script for it to submit to, but if it
>>>>will work with Getopt::Std I won't spend time on it.
>>>I guess you are looking for a perl mailinglist and this is not relevant
>>>to Vim, right? If I am wrong, please elaborate a bit more.
>> is a tag script that comes as part of vim. It is used to
>>generate tags for shell scripts. See:
>Well, shell scripts and perl scripts.

Well it works with Getopt::Std in perl 5 with very little change. I
don't know the best way to submit patches for vim, but I've attached
the small patch needed for it to work.


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