Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Re: vim & platformio

On Mi, 12 Sep 2018, arocker@Vex.Net wrote:

> >
> > What is platformio?
> >
> Almost certainly this:

So it is an IDE. While one can "pimp" Vim to become more IDE like by
using plugins such as ALE, gitgutter, youcompleteme and the like, it
often won't help with more sophisticated features like debugging (might
be possible with the new termdebug plugin for C) or refactoring.

Some IDE let you define an external editor so you could edit using Vim.
But you might still lose some of the more sophisticated features and it
might be a bit clunky.

So in general one either uses either Vim or an IDE, depending on your
personal needs (e.g. whether you need those features that the ide
provides). I guess there is no general answer to that question.

Hallo Tagsüberchatter!

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