Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Re: What are these symbols in my Vim gutter?

On Mi, 12 Sep 2018, Carl Caulkett wrote:

> macOS 10.14 Mojave beta 10
> NeoVim 0.3.1
> I've installed the spf13.vim package from Steve Francia, and while it is excellent, there are a few features that I would like to remove, as Steve himself suggests.

Are you aware that spf13 has not been maintained for years?

> One of which is the ! and + symbols which appear in the gutter in the attached image. They look like they are Git related showing added and deleted lines or something like that.
> Can anyone have a look at the image and identify whether it comes from a vim plugin or whether it is from a config setting in .vimrc.

Looks like the git-gutter plugin. If you don't like it, do not load the
plugin (however this is done in spf13).

BTW: In general it is considered good practice to start with a scratch
vimrc configuration file and only add whatever you need. If you have a
need for a special plugin, install it from the maintainer directly, so
you can get support from him if something is not working as expected.

Those Vim distributions (spf13, SpaceVim, Janus) just add another
complexity layer on top of Vim and often force you to use maps and
commands that might be unintuitive (or even hide some of Vims native
commands). So don't follow that route.

Nachrichtensprecher fangen stets mit "Guten Abend" an und brauchen
dann 15 Minuten, um zu erklären, daß es kein guter Abend ist.
-- Rudi Carrell

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